The Fundamentals for making your Photography Hobby a Business

Making Your Hobby to Earn Money


Many of us can create wonderful picture, but being a “pro shooter” selling them, and because there are very few photographers whose images are so outstanding that the photo-buying world beats a path to their door, the charm to making money is learning how to sell and market is learning how to sell and market your work and, at times, yourself.

1. Setting Goal and Objectives.

To begin, you’ll need to establish goals and objectives for your new business on paper. like photos below..

2. Doing Research

It isn’t easy making a living as a photographer, but if you love the craft of photography as I do and have no idea what else in the world would make you happy, then here are some key to establishing your goals and objectives.

a. Listen Carefully to those who have been there to avoid traps and pitfalls

b. Read materials from outside the industry as well as inside. The basic sales and marketing principles of successful companies like Coca cola, Nike, and P&G hold true for any product and service, and can be adapted to this industry. Think outside the box. Ideas come from everywhere.

c. Establish a Working Budget

How much money do you need to earn from year to year? What are your cost (gear, travel, office, sales, etc) What’s left to feed yourself?

d. Make Choice that will allow you to advance in those areas at which you excel and not get mired in tasks that hold you back.

e. Recognize your greatest weakness in running your business and make provisions to overcome that shortcoming.

3. Cataloging Images.

We must have our images organized and cataloged. So we can access it quickly.

4. Make Website

While a website is almost mandatory for professional photographers, it can be as basic as an online portfolio or as complex as having our own online, stock library.

5. Direct Mail

6. Networking

Being friendly, courteous and helpful will go a long way to getting your name remembered and in industry tremendously useful.

In the end, once you’ve made contact through your marketing and sales initiatives, it will be the professional manner and your demeanor that will determine how to sell that relationships grows. And it will be the relationships you keep that will support your career as a professional photographer
