Ngasem Birds market that is located precisely in the area of Taman Sari, district Palace. Ngasem market is a place that sells a variety of birds with relatively affordable price by the community.
Road to Ngasem market it has to be after visited the Sultan's Palace. That location is only 400 meters west of the Kraton, also because this market will provide important information about what is considered prestigious in the kingdom first. After the horse as a means of transportation and the keris as a weapon, Birds it is in third place as a measure of social status. Ngasem market offers a variety of birds with beautiful voices and views, and the activities of lovers.
A form of photo evidence shows that markets with main merchandise of bird has been there since 1809. Located not far from the Palace is that the noble easy access. Around 1960, the market is increasingly synonymous with the bird after bird traders from the Beringharjo market moved to this place. It is not surprising when many tourists take the market with this bird market trade area because it's a third broad market.
Ngasem market has a different nuance of the market with another bird. In this market, visitors can not only enjoy the beauty of birds, but also show that was held by the bird lovers. For example, performance skills dove to fly back to the pen and voice sonority compete various birds. From the show that usually there are prospective buyers who are interested and how many are willing to pay the price. Sometimes the seller also would like to teach in order to train a bird chirp or just chat about how to keep birds.
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