The Traditional Food for Children in Indonesia "GULALI"

, Alun-Alun.

In each State has a certain traditional foods, consume for children and adults. Children are usually like sweet food, sweet, such as confectionery (Sugar2), candy, chocolate, or ice cream.

Confectionery highly favored by children. Similarly for the Indonesian of children. In Indonesia there is a confection that is in like a child. Confectionery (Sugar2) has many variety. However, if in Jogjakarta, a form of sugar-sugar unique, colorful. Well regarded. Mmmmmh ... nyami.

In Jogjakarta, Confectionery is unique. Called with "Gulali". In Javanese is "Gula-Gula Ojo Lali". It Means, if we are eat of Gulali... We Will never Forget it. For long Time. The Children are very Lover. even is adult. Sweat Memories.

Now, Lets we know about processing of Gulali

1. Blending your sugar, mix with water and food colouring until Homogen and until Chewy..

2. Coil around the Gulali to small bamboo

3. Packing your Gulali to Plastik Wrap..

4. Sell out...

Mmmh.... Jogja the unique food. You want..?