Transportation Model In Indonesia

Any ways to reach our purpose. To the Market, Visiting Family, Picnic, studying, delivery order and others...
yes.. they are need Transportation. Any unique ways to reach it..

Now... we will showing, about transportation model the people get the purpose.

this is the ancient transportation, using horse to pull the horse train. in Jogjakarta, usually train horse using 4 wheel from rubber.

This is bamboo bridge transportation. when the people divide into river.. they should be accross the river to get the purpose. Only walking man and bicycle can using it.

If someone get picnic or go the market, near from home, the interesting ways is using Becak, The Train by someone encourage wit oar bicycle paddle.

it's more modern way, by pick up mobile. Anyone stand up in back of mobile, while bring their product.

in special area, the model transportation like that, still using. But now the quantity more reducer, remove by modern way transportation.